AG is sharing a windows application, AGSW, for generating plots that demonstrate the sampling weight of structural data from drillholes in multiple orientations. The application was introduced at the ACG’s Second SSIM Conference in October 2021. A link to the paper can be found below.
To access a download link for AGSW, please complete the form. The information is requested to understand the uptake of the application. AG won’t distribute details to third parties, or bombard you with emails – you’ll see the email address field is not required.
Your feedback is invited – comments or suggested improvements would be gratefully received. If using the application, please reference the paper below.

Thomas, RDH 2021, ‘Visualising bias of structural orientation data’, in PM Dight (ed.), SSIM 2021: Second International Slope Stability in Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 11-26,